A social and racial justice blog created by and for Jews of Color and Sephardi/Mizrahi Jews and in solidarity with Palestinian liberation and other struggles against state violence
By Danny Bryck In 2018, playwright and activist Dan Fishback and I sat down and talked about identity, organizing, wellness, and the arts in Trump’s America. In the relentless two years that followed, we never got around to publishing it. So in October of 2020, just...
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Mizrahi Jews Speak in Support of the California Ethnic Studies Curriculum
JIMENA’s response to the California Ethnic Studies model curriculum brings up much-needed criticism of the essentialism and orientalism that plagues the discourse on the Middle East. However, the response also perpetuates Islamophobia and conflates anti-Zionism with antisemitism.
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Upcoming Online Event: Zoom Call with Jews of Color Running for Office
From Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/202854174332023/?notif_t=plan_user_invited¬if_id=1585160398718148 While the world swirls with news of our health and the presidential elections take a back seat, Jews of Color are stepping into leadership roles in...
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15 Palestinian Responses to Trump’s “Deal of the Century”
The following media roundup details a small sample of the numerous Palestinian voices that have spoken up despite the continual silencing of their perspectives by Trump, Israel, and the international community.
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NPR's Michel Martin speaks with a group of diverse Jewish voices — Sarah Hurwitz, Eli Steinberg and Rebecca Pierce — about the types of conversations they've had in the wake of anti-Semitic...
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Prepared Remarks by MaNishtana from the “No Hate No Fear Jewish Solidarity March”
MaNishtana is the pseudonym of Shais Rishon, an Orthodox African-American Jewish rabbi, writer, speaker, and author of Thoughts From A Unicorn: 100% Black. 100% Jewish. 0% Safe. His latest book is Ariel Samson, Freelance Rabbi. January 5, 2020, New York City My wife...
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VIDEO: JFREJ Safety in Solidarity Action, Grand Army Plaza
By Rafael Shimunov On the last night of Chanukah, in pouring rain, Jews for Racial and Economic Justice (JFREJ) and Jewish allies of all denominations formed a circle around and throughout the Hasidic and Haredi menorah lighting celebration in protection and Jewish...
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A Kwanzakkah Story
By Shoshana Akua Brown Prologue: This is just my story of the creation of Kwanzakkah. I’m sure I wasn’t the first person to think of this holiday, nor the first to say the word Kwanzakkah out loud. I imagine tons of Black Jews saying it regularly amongst their...
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Rivers of Grief/Tents of Kinship
By Aurora Levins Morales Artwork By Ricardo Levins Morales By all the rivers of our many exiles, we have sat down and wept, as we remembered the lands of our ancestors, the lands that were stolen from us, the places we were stolen and driven from. We wept as we...
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Support the Rimonim New Liturgy Project
Please support Rimonim, a collectively funded poet-in-residence project that supports Puerto Rican Jewish writer and activist Aurora Levins Morales as she writes new Jewish liturgy for our times. www.indiegogo.com/projects/rimonim-liturgy-project
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Interview: Jafar Farah on Palestinian Citizens of Israel, Police Brutality, and Intercommunal Solidarity
Police brutality and mass incarceration are forms of institutionalized state violence and control that disproportionately impact communities of color across political boundaries and imposed borders. The following is part of a series exploring the way that marginalized...
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The Hamsa Flag (Second Edition)
by Tom Haviv I first published the Hamsa Flag essay in the inaugural issue of PROTOCOLS in the summer of 2017. Almost two years later, the need for this project, and projects like it, feels even more pressing. On a daily basis, we see our ancestral and cultural...
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Open Letter by Latinx Jews: Let Our People Go
Open Letter from Latinx Jews: We know this moment in history, and we will not stay silent. Let Our People Go.
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Mimouna: Sweets and Solidarity
This Saturday evening April 27th / 23 Nisan, as Passover comes to an end, the Jews for Racial and Economic Justice (JFREJ) Mizrahi/Sephardi Caucus will host a leftist community Mimouna in Brooklyn, NY. Mimouna is a North African Jewish tradition, in which families...
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The Israeli Black Panthers Haggadah
Haggadah by Reuven Abergel English translation by Itamar Haritan In 1971, members of the Israeli Black Panthers, a group inspired by the US Black Panther Party and organizing against anti-Mizrahi racism in Israel, created the following Haggadah to share their...
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Palestinian Prisoners Day: What do you know about Administrative Detention?
For Palestinian Prisoner's Day Unruly is sharing the following infographics produced by Palestinian prisoner advocacy group Addameer on the topic of indefinite administrative detention without charge in Israeli prisons. You can support Palestinian prisoners by joining...
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Red Sea: April 2002
by Aurora Levins Morales Artwork by Ricardo Levins Morales This Passover, who reclines? Only the dead, their cupped hands filling slowly with the red wine of war. We are not free. The blood on the doorposts does not protect anyone. They say that other country over...
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How to make tishpishti
by Danny Bryck 1. Tell everyone that you're making tishpishti for the Mizrahi/Sephardi Community Seder, ishala. 2. Now you have to make it, because ishala is just a figure of speech in a dying language. 3. Go around to every grocery store in the neighborhood looking...
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