How to make tishpishti
by Danny Bryck 1. Tell everyone that you’re making tishpishti for the Mizrahi/Sephardi Community Seder, ishala. 2. Now you have to make it, because ishala is just a figure of speech in a dying language. 3. Go around to every grocery store in the neighborhood...
Tai: A Yom Kippur Sermon By Aurora Levins Morales
Tai: A Yom Kippur Sermon By Aurora Levins Morales 5778/2017 [The theme of Kehilla Community Synagogue’s High Holy Days was “spiritual audacity” drawn from these words by Abraham Joshua Heschel, written in 1963: “The hour calls for moral grandeur and spiritual...
By Aurora Levins Morales
Say these words when you lie down and when you rise up,
when you go out and when you return. In times of mourning
and in times of joy. Inscribe them on your doorposts,
embroider them on your garments, tattoo them on your shoulders,

Mango Charoset Recipe Speaks to the Tangled Histories of Jews of Color in the Americas
By Aurora Levins Morales How We Eat (from Masa Ball Soup) Inca potatoes are made into Indian curry, German potato salad, Irish leek soup, and Ashkenazi latkes. Chinese oranges grown in Spanish groves become English marmalade. California farms grow kiwi from northern...