Mizrahi Jews Speak in Support of the California Ethnic Studies Curriculum
JIMENA’s response to the California Ethnic Studies model curriculum brings up much-needed criticism of the essentialism and orientalism that plagues the discourse on the Middle East. However, the response also perpetuates Islamophobia and conflates anti-Zionism with antisemitism.

Upcoming Online Event: Zoom Call with Jews of Color Running for Office
From Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/202854174332023/?notif_t=plan_user_invited¬if_id=1585160398718148 While the world swirls with news of our health and the presidential elections take a back seat, Jews of Color are stepping into leadership roles in...
15 Palestinian Responses to Trump’s “Deal of the Century”
The following media roundup details a small sample of the numerous Palestinian voices that have spoken up despite the continual silencing of their perspectives by Trump, Israel, and the international community.
LISTEN: Rebecca Pierce speaks about Black Jewish identity on NPR’s All Things Considered
NPR’s Michel Martin speaks with a group of diverse Jewish voices — Sarah Hurwitz, Eli Steinberg and Rebecca Pierce — about the types of conversations they’ve had in the wake of anti-Semitic...